Fauvism: The Wild Beasts

Fauvism, a French art movement of the early 20th century, is known for its vivid colors, bold brushstrokes, and a strong emphasis on emotional expression over realistic representation. This exhibition, titled “Fauvism: The Wild Beasts,” features a collection of artworks that exemplify the essence of Fauvism. Located at the Philadelphia Museum of Art (PMA), the exhibit includes paintings from a variety of artists, renowned for their work in the movement. 

Inspired by my love of fine arts and branding, this exhibit is a product of my strong, personal connection to the PMA since childhood. Using the bright, bold, and rebellious characteristics of the fauves, I created a brand identity for the exhibit that takes what we know as fine arts and turns it on its head. Altered type, disruption in the works, and utilizing crazed brush strokes are just a few ways this exhibit stands out. Included in the branding assortment are interior and exterior signage, advertising collateral, a full gallery guide describing each featured artist, and a collection of branded merchandise for the museums gift shop.




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